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Set of 6 Omnikin® «Six» Balls, 18" (46 cm)
  • $524.95 /Unit
  • Unit
  • Availability: In stock
Transparent Omnikin® Ball, 33" (84 cm)
  • $249.95 /Unit
  • Unit
Yellow Omnikin® «Six» Ball, 18" (46 cm)
  • $93.45 /Unit
  • Unit
  • Availability: In stock
Yellow Omnikin® «Super» Football, 20" (51 cm)
  • $93.45 /Unit
  • Unit
  • Availability: In stock

Sports Equipment of Toronto offers a selection of KIN-BALL balls and OMNIKIN® game balls perfect for learning.

We distribute OMNIKIN®, a Quebec brand known for its ultra-resistant material. We have selected the best KIN-BALL balls and OMNIKIN® game balls to allow for collaboration and cooperation among young people, and at the best prices.